How Many Species Of Birds Are In Your Town?

 This year I'm taking part in what is called a Spring Census. The object is to make a list of all the bird species you see in your own town over the next 3 weeks. In this case it is April 26-May 19. This wasn't on my radar until last week when I was asked if I would like to participate.This is right up my alley because I already do most of my birding right here in Portland and you don't have to use as much gas that way either. I started my search at the Portland Reservoir which is now open to the public and has a marked walking trail.
 I was able to find some Pine Warblers, some of which were feeding around White Pine trees that had fallen during a storm last year.
 I found Louisiana Waterthrush near this stream but no luck getting a photo.
 It looks like this Black and White Warbler picked up a little fast food to go. 

 We had great weather this weekend and the birding action was excellent. I was off to a good start with 70 species recorded for the weekend. Highlights included: 10 species of warbler, Bald Eagles and great Horned owls on the nest, Black Vulture, Wilson's Snipe, Blue-winged Teal, Green Heron, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Brown Thrasher, and American kestrel. It said that a reasonable goal is to try to exceed 100 species in the 3 week period. We are not near the shoreline but should be able to pick up a few shorebirds. 

 I always thought the birding in Portland was pretty good for an inland town. This year, many birders have been visiting here due to reported sighting and then finding new birds to report as well. One of the things that makes an area a hotspot is not just the area itself. It also depends on how many birders are in that area reporting their sightings. 

Do you have a similar event in your area this Spring? If you don't, I encourage you to give it a try. Just Keep track of the bird species you see in your own town over a 3 week period during Spring Migration. At the end of the 3 weeks add up your total number of species.